Between veins and hocks

La dehesa es un ecosistema único de la Península Ibérica en donde viven y se alimentan los cerdos ibéricos. En Don Ibérico tenemos nuestra propia cabaña de cerdos ibéricos criados en libertad en...
La dehesa es un ecosistema único de la Península Ibérica en donde viven y se alimentan los cerdos ibéricos. En Don Ibérico tenemos nuestra propia cabaña de cerdos ibéricos criados en libertad en...

The Values of Don Ibérico
The values on which DON IBÉRICO rests, Tradition, Passion , Craftsmanship and Quality
The Values of Don Ibérico
The values on which DON IBÉRICO rests, Tradition, Passion , Craftsmanship and Quality

Don Ibérico Denomination
Denomination The name Iberian pig defines a breed of native pigs that have inhabited the Iberian Peninsula for many years and that, due to their exceptional attributes, allows us to...
Don Ibérico Denomination
Denomination The name Iberian pig defines a breed of native pigs that have inhabited the Iberian Peninsula for many years and that, due to their exceptional attributes, allows us to...